Yeah, this evening was pretty interessting. I moderated the warmup show for the quiz and right after it. It is always quite amazing how much people are interessted in my show, thank you to all those who listen to it, I really appreciate it. Thought, it is getting quite tough to always bring new music in my playlist, I guess I still did a good job. But as always, my show lives from the song wishes, most listeners don't realize it, but I'm just a little helper, they are creating the real show, if they post enough music wishes of course. So, the more listeners, the better show should get, so tune in, you know where to find me in ICQ and YIM =)
As alway you find the playlist here (part 1) and here (part 2). Critics, complains and ideas are always welcome, either as a comment or in a private mail. Picture found here.
I see that your playlists are upbeat and happy, as a general mood. Perhaps you'd like this, and be able to find it, even if I may not listen the moment you broadcast it: Pussycat Dolls - Sway. Not that new, but quite happy, AND related to the ball of your bro :) Can't imagine he's that big already! Also great--ofc--for being around a girl smoothly AND... hot ;)
yeah, I try to wake up the summer with some good mood, so that this neverending winterperiod stops. The sun is shinning at least, but thought, it is VERY cold, no weather for a hot guy like me ;) I will play that song, be sure about it^^
my brother is cool, he is just doing his thing, and thats fine, thought he doesn't share his experience with his brother, but thats natuarlly in his age I guess^^
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