Ask a ninja is something someone sended to me, while I was waiting bored in the waiting room to get in the battle. It is a very funny page about a ninja that answers questions through videos, sometimes he gives just simple answers ("I'm a ninja!") or just keeps on talking and can't even stop with it. Couldn't stop laughing while watching those episodes, thought I just have seen 3 episodes, it is simply grandiose and I would say a must seen for everyone who likes to laugh as much as I do :)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Ask a Ninja
Ask a ninja is something someone sended to me, while I was waiting bored in the waiting room to get in the battle. It is a very funny page about a ninja that answers questions through videos, sometimes he gives just simple answers ("I'm a ninja!") or just keeps on talking and can't even stop with it. Couldn't stop laughing while watching those episodes, thought I just have seen 3 episodes, it is simply grandiose and I would say a must seen for everyone who likes to laugh as much as I do :)
Saturday, April 29, 2006
21st Century Warfare
Many of you guys know that I like to play video games, when you think that is something for kids, you maybe be right, but yes mom, I always going to play video games (always wanted to say this!). Several years ago I read a post on a random site about a tournament for Battlefield 1942 Mod - Desert Combat called 21st Century Warfare, that was about playing in a organist and planned basis. It was so interessting that I just had to sign up. When I went on the teamspeak server and got my rank as a private, my General of the Division I belonged to came up and explained everything to me. At the beginning it felt too military and far away from what I expected. But then I found out that this more out of fun and a little bit of a roleplay of some people, and that was okay to me. In a normal situation, or in a training, the people there just talked to me normal as anyone else, just during battle they had their roleplay on, what always fitted into the game. Thought, back then I was too young to stay up that long, because they played at US times in the late afternoon and evening times, I couldn't play on their training times nor battles. Several years ago, in the year 2004, old enough to decide what is good for himself, I decided with a friend to sign up again and it was just great. We got a warm welcome and had a great time beeing there, it was just the nicest and most organizest community of gamers (of all ages! from 14 to 50) that I had ever seen, even with a lot of nationlaty you could think of, mainly european and american of course. Now I had a half year break from it, to get along in the university and stuff, and it is just great to be back again. I'm now in a division from the coalition (the other side), and most of the "old" members know me as an enemy, thought, they gave me warm welcome. Even the general from this division is one of my old generals under I served as a captain for the airforce (the highest ranked person normally of a company). It was a nice coincedence, and is always good for me, to have someone who knows how I work when I'm new somewhere. Now I'm member of the 4th Battalion Highlanders [4BH] in the company Royal Air Force (RAF) and work as a fixed-wing pilot. When you wanna join me in the battle, no problem, you just need Battlefield 2, and thats it (no fee, no hidden costs).
Radio 20-04-06
Better late than never, as we say over here. So, I just wanted to post the list from my last show. Thought, I couldn't go on air the last week, but I simply hadn't the time to go on air, I'm trying to go on air tomorrow before the quiz, so you guys are all warmed up for it, but we see about that.
so here it is, and sorry to everyone who waited and didn't get any respond from me, I was simply not able to go on air. If you have any ideas or wishes for my show, you can e-mail me anytime or write it here in the comments, I'm always happy for suggestions.
so here it is, and sorry to everyone who waited and didn't get any respond from me, I was simply not able to go on air. If you have any ideas or wishes for my show, you can e-mail me anytime or write it here in the comments, I'm always happy for suggestions.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
First Quizshow ever
Easter is finally over and so is my freetime. I'm sorry I didn't post anything, but I didn't felt like posting. So, to say it in a few words, the thursday music show was okay all in all, the songs had been more quiet all in all, maybe the people are all feeling like depressiv right now. I can't blame them, I'm happy about every hour of sunshine, but most of the time it is raining heavily. Thats why I always push my listeners to wish for some happy songs, so they also get a better mood, thought some of them are taking it too personally and take it more as a critic at their song wishes, but that was never my intention to critizies anyone. What I have played that thursday can be seen here.
So, sunday was a pretty special day for me, it was easter (good food) and at the evening was my first quizshow ever. Just like last week I did the warmup for the show, for something like one and a half hour. I got some questions with answers from Akina, which helped me a lot, thank you for that in that manner. I couldn't have done it without Juby thought, she was helping me out the whole time, and without her it would have been a failure for sure, so thank you thank you thank you Juby =) The questions and answers can be found here (german). I would do it anytime again, it was real fun and a nice experience. Of course, the winner of the quiz didn't just get some virtuall kisses, he even won something, but what? Thats something we can't tell you, 'cause we have a special quizevent running at the moment. Since last week we are having a quiz marathon every sunday evening. The winner of each quiz can choose one out of 7 prices, that include something big and something small (for example a book + coupon). So he never knows what he gets until he has it in his own hands. 2 prices are already gone, 5 left, and nobodoy can tell what in the other packages is. More infos here (german) and the playlist from sunday here.
So, sunday was a pretty special day for me, it was easter (good food) and at the evening was my first quizshow ever. Just like last week I did the warmup for the show, for something like one and a half hour. I got some questions with answers from Akina, which helped me a lot, thank you for that in that manner. I couldn't have done it without Juby thought, she was helping me out the whole time, and without her it would have been a failure for sure, so thank you thank you thank you Juby =) The questions and answers can be found here (german). I would do it anytime again, it was real fun and a nice experience. Of course, the winner of the quiz didn't just get some virtuall kisses, he even won something, but what? Thats something we can't tell you, 'cause we have a special quizevent running at the moment. Since last week we are having a quiz marathon every sunday evening. The winner of each quiz can choose one out of 7 prices, that include something big and something small (for example a book + coupon). So he never knows what he gets until he has it in his own hands. 2 prices are already gone, 5 left, and nobodoy can tell what in the other packages is. More infos here (german) and the playlist from sunday here.
Monday, April 10, 2006
long loud sunday
Yeah, this evening was pretty interessting. I moderated the warmup show for the quiz and right after it. It is always quite amazing how much people are interessted in my show, thank you to all those who listen to it, I really appreciate it. Thought, it is getting quite tough to always bring new music in my playlist, I guess I still did a good job. But as always, my show lives from the song wishes, most listeners don't realize it, but I'm just a little helper, they are creating the real show, if they post enough music wishes of course. So, the more listeners, the better show should get, so tune in, you know where to find me in ICQ and YIM =)
As alway you find the playlist here (part 1) and here (part 2). Critics, complains and ideas are always welcome, either as a comment or in a private mail. Picture found here.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Red 5 ready!
Some of you know that I really like to play videogames and stuff like that. Thought, I'm often playing firt-person-shooter, I don't really like em that much. At least not as much as I love Space-shooter ;) Since Star Wars I'm amazed from any kind of space-simulation that is out there. My first games of that kind had been, of course, "SW Rebel Strikes" I and II, and shortly after that "SW X-Wing" and after that one my FIRST real game that I bought, "SW X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter". You can't imagine how much time I spend on them. Those hadn't been the only games of course! I know almost all of them, the "Wing Commander" series (one of my very favs.), Freespace Series, Decent, Freelancer and of course the X-trilogy (that always had been too complex, but I just couldn't stop trying to master it, still working on X³...). I hope I didn't miss any real big Hit, but listing all here would be quite too much. At the moment I'm a beta-tester for one new hope to revive the space-sim genre, unfornattly my contract forbids me to talk about it or even allows me to tell you what name it has. My hope is that I find enough bugs so the master will be better than this beta.
Picture found here.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Rock around the clock
I just finished my show on the internet radio, and I thought it would be a nice idea to put the playlist I played that evning online from now on, so everybody can see what I played. Or you maybe heared a song but don't know its name? From now on I will make a short summary of my shows in plane words with the playlist at the end.
This evening was quite incredible, I had an incredible show with a lot of new listeners with a lot of good wishes, what always brings the show to a high level. Maybe I even found some new family listeners. Today I decided to find another spot in the week where I can broadcast, a lot of people ask me why I just play once a week. So, now you got me. I don't when for the time being, but maybe sunday evening, at 5 p.m. (GMT+1), right before the quiz show.
The playlist can be found here.
This evening was quite incredible, I had an incredible show with a lot of new listeners with a lot of good wishes, what always brings the show to a high level. Maybe I even found some new family listeners. Today I decided to find another spot in the week where I can broadcast, a lot of people ask me why I just play once a week. So, now you got me. I don't when for the time being, but maybe sunday evening, at 5 p.m. (GMT+1), right before the quiz show.
The playlist can be found here.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Big event in Solingen
Yeah, even my little hometown Solingen is a place where partys and festivals take place. Just like the jubilee dance gala from one of the biggest dance centers here in Solingen, this weekend. The whole theater hall was filled up with people, dressed in their best clothes with a live orchestra. Allmost every teenager you ask around here, is or had been in this dance center, when he was interessted in learning how to dance or getting in touch with girls in a smooth way.
I never took the chance to really learn how to dance, I was always in a sportclub where I had to fight or play in a team, felt more comfortable that way ;) But my bro was one of the people who were dancing in this theater hall, he looked so much like an adult in his dress, I sometimes forget that we are no kids anymore...
Picture found here.
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