...my virtual family. We are not like any ordinary family, we are NOT ordinary at all. Thought we don't share the same blood, neither are we from the same country.

My sister is a gifted singer and a naturally good person. Her name is
petlover4lif aka Sam. Thought I can't share as much time with her as I liked to, I do really like her, I have the feeling like we two don't need to talk like all the time and have to be ashamed when someone just shows up after serveral months^^ There is somehow somekind of natural harmony that we both have, we quickly find topics to talk about and know how to waste our time ;)
Let me put it in plain honest words: I love you my sister, stay away from danger and don't get in any trouble, your big bro could get mad about it =)

And finnally, my mother
gorgeoux aka Mirona, one of the most interessting persons I ever talked to in my life, plus one of the wisest persons I know. Just like my sister, I don't feel any shame when I can't talk to her for a while, because when I can talk to her it is always something special, and I think thats the way it is meant to be =) She always has a good advice for me if I think the whole world is falling down on me. In plain but very honest words: Thought we are not from the same blood you are the best mom any son or daugther could wish for. I hope that when you get your own kids (if the time comes^^) that they do know how lucky they are =)
I hope I don't sound too emotional, but I guess I'm just getting older, so have have mercy with a young old man ;D
Do you talk to your sister?! Since when?! Stunned young old mom here.
hmm, every now and then, but lately quite often again thanks to YIM^^
we always got along quite well, she is a gifted talent, I even got the chance to stream one of her songs on my radio show
Wow! Now that's an impressed and overly happy mom :)
BTW, I don't feel like having kids. An ex-bf once told me that's too bad, i.e. I'm wasting my genes :))
yeah, the world would be a better one with more cheezy chicks like you ;D
maybe you should think about saving a probe for later generations...could become mankinds last hope one day, who knows? ;D
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